The Best Skin Care Routine For You in Your 20s Till 50s

As we know women care more about their appearances than men, especially their skin . With age, women’s skin is greatly affected by age, exposure to the sun, or dryness, compared to men who have more resistance to these conditions. Therefore, since the early twenties, many women rely on many cosmetics products in order to appear as beautifull as they could.
Some women resort to these products, makeup and powders extracted from natural materials that may benefit the skin and maintain its vitality, while others may resort to some products made of chemical substances that increase skin problems from irritation, dryness, and even the worst nightmare of any woman, pimples and blackheads. so, the best option is to reduce the use of these cosmetic products as much as possible and rely on A special daily skin care routine according to each age period, and this is what we will see down below

Hyaluronic acid in the 20s

In the famous Vogue magazine, many beauty experts confirm that the 20s is the most important stage for preventing many skin problems that may appear during the 30s or 40s. The dermatologists around the world also emphasize the necessity of sun protection by using a High quality sunscreen. and appropriate hydration for the skin. beauty experts consider the use of hyaluronic acid to be the golden rule suitable for all types of skin. Specialist Dr. Marco Lens, a plastic surgeon at the British National Health Authority, added that women in their 20s should be careful of the appearance of acne because It causes enlarged pores and skin irritation, which can leave scars on the skin that may last for a decade. This problemn can be avoided by the consistent using of products containing salicylic acid, zinc, or natural oils such as coconut oil.

Vitamin C and antioxidants for the 30s 


In the 30s, the majority of women start noticing the appearance of some fine lines, which are considered one of the first signs of aging. and dryness considered to be the first reason for the appearance of wrinkles and skin pigmentation. Therefore, we recommend that in the 20s, it is necessary to avoid the sun’s rays as much as possible, especially at noon, and to always use sunscreen in order to avoid dryness.
During this period, the layers of the skin will not remain as firm as they were during the 20s, so it is also recommended to use products containing ascorbic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, and antioxidants which contribute to getting rid of free radicals and protecting the skin from sagging and wrinkles.
The skin also reflects the daily diet, so avoid canned foods as much as possible, which contain many preservatives, reduce the use of sugar, use natural honey instead, add nuts, Greek yogurt, and olive oil to your diet, and eat meals rich in omega-3 regularly, which turns out it helps Getting a glowing skin, according to Science Times magazine.

The right routine

It is preferable to use a skin cleanser twice a day upon waking up and before going to bed, along with a skin exfoliator to get rid of dead skin and dirt accumulated throughout the day, three times a week for those with dry skin and five times a week for oily skin, and use a night cream that contains antioxidants along with the use of retinol. Several times a week because it has been scientifically proven to contribute to the process of producing collagen for the skin. It is also recommended to use products that contain hyaluronic acid, which helps fill in the spaces of fine wrinkles, in addition to vitamin C and E to remove the paleness and fatigue that the skin is exposed to daily.

Collagen loss in the 40s

In the 40s, the signs of aging appear more and more and the wrinkle lines near the eyes and nose become deeper and deeper, the skin begins to shrink or sag slightly, the skin loses a lot of it’s collagen, and the area around the eyes begins to slim down. In some cases, black circles or even severe drooping eyelids may appear, and at this stage antioxidants saturated with collagen should be used, and creams that stimulate the secretion of collagen can be used to improve the skin a little bit more or to keep some of it’s vitality.

The right routine

Use a skin cleanser (appropriate for your skin type) twice daily, immediately after that add a treatment serum followed by a deep moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid, and apply oils that help firm the skin and protect it from wrinkles and sagging, by using products that contain retin A and alpha hydroxy acids. Which stimulates the production of collagen for the skin at this age, and products containing aloe vera and chamomile can be used to re-hydrate the skin.
Regarding cosmetic treatments, Ultra Soundlases and injections (mesotherapy) are suitable for the skin to completely hide wrinkles.

Hormonal storms hit your skin in your 50s

In the 50s, the body begins to prepare for menopause, and hormonal imbalance occurs, destroying the body in general, not just the skin. and now is the appropriate time to use substances fortified with ceramides and deep moisturizers to rebuild and support the skin before it collapses completely, and you must start using lip creams designated for anti-aging.

The right routine
It is recommended to use a skin cleanser suitable for your type of skin twice a day to deeply moisturize the skin, followed by light facial oils, retinoids, and antioxidants. In the evening, intense levels of retinoids should be obtained every night instead of three times a week, followed by a deep moisturizing cream to avoid water and oils at this stage. Apply vitamins C and E regularly to stimulate collagen production and use glycolic acid at a concentration of 10-15% to help absorb retinoids. At this age, you should pay attention to your neck because it begins to sag. it also suitable for the same routine, and at that time plasma injections and “fillers” can be used. To stimulate collagen production and tighten the entire skin.

And do not forget to use sunscreen creams daily, when exposed to the sun every two hours at all ages, as it is the first wall of protection against wrinkles, protection from signs of aging as much as possible, and getting used to a daily routine of cleaning and moisturizing with appropriate products, while following a healthy diet and Avoid smoking, which will ensure young and fresh skin at all times.