Your Perfect Dream Nails! Here’s How To Get Them

Women’s beauty is exposed to many problems that threaten its sustainability, and this is due to the changes that has taken place in our diet and care routines, which now include many chemicals products that only exacerbate the problem, and one of the most common of which is the weakness and breakage of nails, and this may be for several different reasons, and today, our ladies, we will discuss the best. Healthiest and sustainable solutions to keep your nails as beautiful as ever and strong without any effort.
Unhealthy nails end up breaking easily, not to mention the time it takes to increase their growth. They are also very weak and fragile, but you can strengthen your nails and improve their health through several ways known only to cosmetic and health specialists.
How to :

  • Make sure to cut the nails correctly using sharp, sterilized nail scissors, rotating the nails slightly at the ends to get healthy nails.
  • Avoid biting or peeling nails, as this may damage the nails.
  • Do not use nails as a tool to open something closed, such as a box, as this will cause it to break
  • Keep your nails dry and clean, so that bacteria can not grow underneath them.
  • Wear gloves if you plan to use water for a long period of time, such as washing dishes, because prolonged use of water can cause nail breakage.
  • Moisturize your nails.
  • Rest your nails. Try to reduce the number of times you polish your nails, because this weakens them.
  • Make sure to buy high-quality nail polish products and stay away from chemicals, such as dibutyl phthalate.
  • Clean and sterilize your nail kit
  • Consult your doctor about taking biotin and vitamin B supplements, as it has been found that nutritional supplements, especially for people who suffer from a severe deficiency in all types of this vitamin, may help strengthen weak and brittle nails.
  • Focus on eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals that are important for nails, such as: biotin found in salmon, avocados, sweet potatoes, and nuts.
    Grains, B complex vitamins found in meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products, iron found in green leafy vegetables, peanut butter and cereals, and magnesium found in quinoa, almonds and cashews.
  • Use essential oils that are beneficial for nails health, such as: lavender oil, lemon oil, eucalyptus oil, and rosemary oil.

Tips for toenails

After what we see for nails in general, we must now address some tips for caring for toenails in particular:
Soak your toenails with water and salt when trimming thick nails, as this helps increase the softness of the nails. Thus trimming it without causing any breakage.
Wear shoes that fit your feet properly, and avoid tight shoes to protect your nails from breaking.
Wearing open shoes such as sandals in public places; Because this reduces the risk of fungal infections that can infect the nails, especially when wearing shoes or sneackers after a long period of time
You can know whether your nails are healthy or not, for an exemple if the nail plates are white-pink in color. The raised, white, half-moon-shaped portion at the base of the nail and also if your nails do not stain easily.

Home remedies for nail care

Green tea:

Use green tea because it strengthens your nails and prevents their yellowing, by steeping a cup of green tea, then adding drops of wheat oil to it, and leaving it until it cools. Soak your nails in it for 15 minutes, and please repeat this twice a week.


Use lemon; Because it promotes nail growth and prevents yellowing, you can put equal amounts of lemon juice and castor oil or argan oil, then soaking your nails in this mixture for 10 minutes. Please repeat this process several times a week to get the Best results.

Coconut oil:

Coconut oil helps keeping your nails moisturized and strong, which is important for their growth. and you can massag your nails with warm coconut oil for 10 minutes daily before going to sleep.


Because it is a natural moisturizer, honey is one the most healthiest options for moisturizing your nails by putting honey on a clean paint brush, then pulish your nails with it, and leaving it for several hours to get better results.